Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Not an Idol in making

I love to singing but I've never been good at it, I do wish I'm better at it though especially since David Archuletta does make it seem effortless doesn't he, I remember way back when in school, us students had to audition for the school's choir or rather it was Ms Tan's choir .. and I remember how I bombed at it .. to be truthful I seriously sucked. The thing is, when we were in school being in the school choir was indeed a big deal, as I grew up I came to accept the fact that I was and never will be a whiz in karaoke, and shall stick to singing in the confines of my bathroom. Even that, I'll reconsider since walls are paper thin and I may probably scare my neighbour who's quite the karaoke enthusiast. And till today because of Ms Tan's choir .. I can still remember the lyrics to Whitney Houston's "The Greatest Love of All" and that other song which could have dated back to pre-WW1 days "Roses of June"
And then sometime back a friend of a friend was telling me how usually a talent .. be it singing, dancing or anything artistically inclined is evident from a young age. So if you got it, you got it at birth .. and then genes also do come into the equation, and Niki definitely does not fall far from the tree .. still it was a really cute effort (check out the video below), and I know one day when she's older she'll tell me to take this down but until then .. here it is .. my daughter singing "Westlife's I Have A Dream" .. and I'm spelling out the title of the song so that it'll help you recognize it :) since Niki well kinda did put her own signature to it .. and made it truly malaysian.

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