Monday, November 30, 2009

Small Blessings!

Yes, I am pro Team Edward .. and Joey, you're right I do have a thing for metrosexual men ;-)

Well, after two days of "squatting" at my MIL, I officially feel bad, coz my beloved in laws actually gave up their comfy bed for us. Seriously, where to find in laws like mine? Cannot find one!

Apart from that since I boxed up all my books, I am also seriously deprived of literature! ... and shoes!

And so yesterday I decided to give myself a treat and went and watched New Moon, yay Team Edward. Together with Ammu (whom I know is not a Twi-fan, but went along with me anyways to keep me company) with Niki (a semi Twi-fan or a daughter simply indulging her mother!)
Firstly since it was a PG-13 movie I felt like I was the oldest one there, the rest were in their tweens and kiddies with their mommies & daddies who looked seriously bored out of their minds! I for one am not afraid to admit that I am a Twihard fan. Throw caution to the wind, I say.. since when is movies genre about how old you are, and no matter what your digits are, one can never overlooked the fact that Taylor Lautner grew up real well in the past one year since Twilight. Now I understand what the fascination is all about, my niece Yanu is very into Taylor!

And usually I'm not much of a fan of valet parking but yesterday was an exception! It felt so relaxing not having to look for parking!

After shedding tears during the movie (some scenes were really good, a definitely a step up from the first installment!) I found that I needed a pick me up and it was in the form of "I just don't care about the pricetag!" buy @ MNG, as I swiped my credit card ala Rebecca Bloomwood, I found that retail therapy really does wonders, and as I walked out of MNG I could feel the bounce in my steps. Ok, perhaps I'm shallow, but like I said I'm throwing to the wind, and after the ordeal that I went through for the past few days, yesterday felt good!

To top off our afternoon, slurped sashimi with my partner in sashimi, Niki.

And as I write this, though I am still feeling hopelessly homeless and missing my former home, the cobalt blue top I have on today is keeping my spirits high!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

BIG Move

Alright, we're officially in limbo at this point,
we've moved all our stuffs into storage and as of today have officially left our home of seven years.
Gonna live out of our suitcases for the next two weeks or so, so for the first night we'll be in vicky's parents home, and tomorrow we'll be moving into our apartment in sunway for a couple of days, and then to Alor Setar to my parents, before settling in mid of next week or so in our new home.
Currently our new home is still under some internal renovation before it's livable.
Though tiring it's actually quite exciting, since we're nomads! It's been sometime since we've lived from place to place.
But firstly Vicky and I would like to give a BIG thank you shout out to everyone that helped us with the BIG move, having lived in our old home for so many years we've actually acquired quite a lot of stuffs.
To my mum and dad who started off for us,
To Vicky's mum, dad and ammu for helping us in the final leg
THANK YOU for helping us when we needed it most!
Till then, I'll be reporting from the road ;-)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy 31st Baby!

My honey bunny celebrates his 31st today,

Happy Birthday, baby!

You're officially in your thirties!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I'm so sure my blog feels neglected, I know, bloggie, I have been neglecting you...with the age old reason "No Time" and I, myself too have been feeling rather neglected, as in it's been ages since my last massage and due time for a facial!

And, it's exactly 8 days until the BIG MOVE!

Excitement, dread, battles with dust bunnies all mixed into the potpurri!

Friday, November 06, 2009

An elise for an S40

My honey asked to have a discussion early this morning, and I was like arrgghhh ... what did i do now? thank god it was nothing of that sort, just that honey thinks it's better we keep the harrier and sell off my beloved S40, rather than vice-versa. do you know what's my fave feature in my S40? it's the electric seats, it's like a good 4" stiletto, with just a push of the button, ta da, i am taller! i am veritically challenged so i can't actually see the road ahead of me if i am in the harrier, that's why i drive as if my chest is stuck to the wheel, and it isn't a pretty sight!... it took a bit of convincing but alas I agreed due to economic reasons, but i am writing this down because i want to remember this... honey promised to get a cute sporty car ... ie an elise, with ahem! auto transmission for both of us if i agreed to drive the harrier. deep down i know he's right.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Eleventh month of the Year!

Hello November. I hope your halloween was happy, mine was, well because we had a shindig in conjunction with Niki’s birthday, it was a children’s party filled with lot of laughter, songs, and games (Thanks Ammu!). On the other hand can you believe it’s already November?! The days are flying. but there is something so satisfying about the first day of the month corresponding with the first day of the week. like all the stars aligned. This month is gonna be a good one and a busy one, too, I can feel it.


i love this November because it is a month full of planning, excitement, anticipation, why? Because we will be moving into our new home this month! Good food. traditions begin. ideas for the holidays are brewing. We run our errands, stock up on decorations, mull over the guest list (for our Christmas slash House warming party)

This season I want to focus on the things that mean the most. an attitude of gratitude, I will be posting my own thankful thoughts throughout the month in here. Thankfulness is contagious. So be joyful, be thankful

  • First of November : Niki turns 5, it’s a BIG event!

  • Twentieth of November : Vicky turns 31, another major event!

  • hmm. what else is on my list? oh yes, and the most majorest of ‘em all .. the twenty eighth of November : Moving out of Greenville and into Lakeside.

Sweet November, here we go, y'all....

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nikita

Niki is a fairy!

To the love of our live, Nikita,

Happy 5th Birthday little one, we LOVE you!!

From All Of Us!