Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Merdeka Lantern festival @ Niki's Kindy

Niki and her leet classmates patrioticly waving the jalur gemilang, our Niki was more than patriotic I guess, with tears streaming down her cheeks as they sang Jalur Gemilang

Niki's bff, Bak Shun Ling and Nicholas Lim

Niki with her cuz

Here's us at the Merdeka Lantern Festival party organized by Niki's kindy. See the top pic * points up* That's me, Niki and her classmate Nicholas.

Here's more photos as the night progressed on, teeheehee, you can see Niki crying in on of the pix, she very the tension already :-)

Then all the kids and the kiddults went for a walk around the block with litted lanterns! Niki's Amama, her fave Ammu-Ka, Lavin, Aunty Barbara and Mohan PPpa joined us there as well.

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