Thursday, July 05, 2007


Here's a grey subject, when's the right time to start?
How do you start?
With a lot of what-if's in between.
A couple of months back we walked into Mothercare and found this really cute potty helper, I loved the rubber duck design and so did Niki. Niki calls it Toilet Duck (yeah, like the cleaner ha ha!). And so we told Niki to let us know when she wants to go for her shee-shee and her ka-ka but it has not worked out like we imagined, because she has likened Toilet Duck to more of a toy than a facility and so uses it as and when she likes.
So before I go off track again..ok so you guys know that Niki is going to pre-kindy now, right well the thing is .. we think that her teacher has toilet trained her with an 80% success rate, after 2 days. The thing is all the kids in her class are not wearing diapers and Niki is the only one when we enrolled her 2 days back, I'm guessing peer pressure is at work here?!!?
Yesterday night I put Niki in her diapers as usual for bed but it was pretty dry this morning, instead when she woke up she asked us to put her on her Toilet Duck and she shee-sheed! To us that's a small miracle there!
So I think Niki is about 80% toilet trained as of today!

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