Thursday, July 26, 2007

The kindy report

Came back to the office half past two, had a 45 min chat with Niki's kindy principal. Very enlightening, talked about kiddies and stuff, and I guess being a parent today is not as straight-forward as it was back in our day. There's a lot involved and though I may not always know the right thing to do for Niki, of course we'll try our best to provide the best we can for her.
Anyways back to the kindy report, well I found out how they put 30 kids to bed at the same time :-) and saw Niki taking her afternoon nap together with some of her little friends, mental note : to get a bigger blankie for her, well she's not as small as we thought she was! Niki's doing very well at school actually and has her own little gang, ie. Nicholas aka Mohawk Boy (he's got a funky mohawak cut) and Shiu Ling, a cute little girl with a pixie cut. The gang plays together and hang together, according to the principal she does mix with the other kids pretty well but likes the twosome the best!
And after 3 weeks' Niki has learnt how to share, play together, and knows that she can't always get her way.
Ok, gotta go do some work, later!

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