We proclaimed last Saturday & Sunday as a lazy weekend, which means the three of us didn't do anything productive at all and instead just lazed about at home in our "cineplex"! Bought a whole lot of non pirated (yeah, right!) from Raguletto to watch and the movie galore began with
1) The Game Plan
This is a Disney movie, so expect a lot of mushy & gushy scenes that's set to warm the heart. All very sweet seriously and plenty of feel good, and The Rock has slimmed down some, and actually looked pretty good, yeah I'm a visual creature la! The story was so tweet and I loved Roselyn Sanchez in it .. plenty of spunk with a dash of warmth as the love interest of both The Rock and The Kid. I've been brought up with a healthy staple of Disney and so I highly recommend this for kids aged from 8 - 80!
2) The Great Debaters (a Harpo Film production) for the uninitiated that spells a film by Oprah Winfrey y'all! Great lines, and overall a thinker's movie. Aplenty with civil rights and justice for all. Set during the era after the Great Depression in the south, where the african american were more than oppressed! Also a feel good movie with a heart. Great acting and directing from denzel .. I tell you the man can do no wrong! Go see this .. Oscar material from the word Harpo!
3) Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium
Check out Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman and Jason Bateman in this. Again a movie for kids 8 - 80, wonderful premise and storyline. Quirky and funny chapters in the movie, can help but love the boy "Eric" in the movie who also doubles as the movie's narrator! Makes the hard edged adult in you feel the joys of being a kid again, and sometimes a kid's innocence and the way he sees the world is so unspoilt. Niki enjoyed the movie coz' afterall it's set in the wonderful magical world of a toy store!
Still have one more movie to go which is Charlie Wilson's War .. well that's one for another day.
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