Thursday, January 31, 2008

Beauty as I see it

I read this saying today; that which is beautiful may not always be good but that which is good shall always be beautiful, as written by a Fench writer Ninon D'Enclos in the 17th century. Ok let me ponder on this and I'll write up later ..
Hey there I just got back from the sweltering heat out, and found a few more of beauty proverbs which similar to the first quote that I've included above;
Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ~John Muir
Our hearts are drunk with a beauty our eyes could never see. ~George W. Russell
I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful. ~Author Unknown
By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower. ~Rabindrath Tagore
You see many many years back I fell in love, it was love at first sight you see, I saw him from across the room but no our eyes never met like in so many movies, and that I'm sure will just be so cliched, don't you think. But what my eyes did was they trailed him, entranced as he walked up to the DJ console. And I knew right there and then that he is the One, he is the one for me and I knew that I must be with him, and I always joked that hunting season began soon after that fateful evening when I first laid eyes on him.
Fast forward to today, you know with AIM, Skype and all that hype and hold on a sec, I need some face time with my facebook ..there's more than one way of finding your other half, online dating, chats etc, bear with me, because I'm not gonna say that online dating doesn't work or anything like that, what I wanted to say is that how to you determine the sincerity of the person that you are chatting with, does he feel for you the same you feel for him, how do you weigh concern, love, commitment online?
Well the story below which I read in the article may shed some light, a man met someone whom he feels a connection with online, and after a couple of years of getting to know each other online and developing their relationship did they felt that it was time to take it to the next level and they decided to finally meet. The girl said that she'll take a train over and meet him at the train station where he lived. To identify each other, they said that they'll clip a red rose to the lapel of their coats. That day came, and he waited for her as promised at the train station, and his eyes rested on an elderly lady with a rose on her coat coming down from the train. Though disappointed he still went up to her and said their hellos and like a gentleman he held out his arm for her and asked her for lunch, after walking a few yards, the elderly woman stopped and took off the rose and told the man to give the rose to the young lady who was following them closely behind.
The girl wanted to see if the man she was going to meet is the type of man that she wants; a man that will see above physical beauty and even if he knows that the relationship may not work out like he hoped, whether he would still have it in him to approach an elderly woman and be kind to her. The girl was above all looking for kindness.
I asked my husband whether can this test be considered some sort of a deception, he said no if it was to be a judge of character. And I agreed.
And so back to my story, yes hunting season began for me in late of 1997 when I realized that I've met the One. But it was to be four years into our courtship did we take it to the next level because like the girl both me & the him wanted to learn more about ourselves and be sure that we are both on a look out for inner beauty that lies beneath. To be sure that he is indeed my soul mate and I his. To be sure of our love, and whether 20 years down the road, we'll still see each other the same way. To test our love and you know what we learnt through our journey together (and of course we are still learning with each passing day) that beauty is the promise of happiness. Happiness is the beauty in our relationship. And we cemented our commitment to happiness in July of 2002.
And so in life there's never the right way nor the wrong way; just that in every journey learn what true beauty is to you.

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