Monday, July 24, 2006

Niki's First Tumble

.. major tumble that is accompanied by a scrapped knee, we knew it was just a matter of time, and our Niki walks kind of wonkily most times, so it was seriously just a matter of time.. she was out on her evening walk Friday, and she fell frontwards, there was a moment of silence until she screamed on top of her lungs & really bawled.. heart goes out to the tot but I know that this will be a first and that she'll have more tumbles when ..
1) she learns to cycle
2) she learns to blade
3) she learns to run

I applied savlon and kissed her injured knee and was feeling better after a while, my Niki has grown up..

I've posted the pics of our weekend on top *points finger up*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.