Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Niki's First Golf Lesson

We were at 7-eleven yesterday afternoon when I noticed that they carried a toddler golf set, unable to help ourselves we bought Niki her first set.

So Daddy and baby had their first lesson, Niki loved it coz’ she’s seen her Daddy play, and you know what, that girl is a natural, her stance and poise was perfect but she needs to improve her swing abit. No worries, at the rate she’s going she’ll be a pro in no time. Daddy is already planning to take her driving, and both of them looked so cute at it. I’m sure Niki can’t wait for her next lesson ;-) Of course a couple of times Niki got really excited and clubbed her Daddy a few times heeheehee xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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