Tuesday, November 14, 2006

St Nicholas Convent Alor Setar..My Alma Mater

I remembered when my dad enrolled me in Standard One in St Nicholas Convent Alor Setar, I was really scared out of my wits, I remembered myself as this really pint sized girl, and I was so very timid, I'm not even sure if I can converse in English and I couldn't even count and I can't even write my alphabets properly yet! Anyways that was back in 1982 and the school board placed me in 1 Biru. And I cried the first day, the second day I just sat quietly in my seat and I remembered that someone in my class got so scared she peed in her uniform. As for me, I got bullied by a school bully and loadged a report with my dad who in turned came by one fine day to give some lip to the kid, who in tunr did not bother me again through my first year in school. Come to think of it, I think I was so lucky she did not give moi a knuckle sandwich for ratting her out.
And nowadays kids have their Kumon and Smart Reader classes on top of speech and drama and by the time they are enrolled in Standard One their level is like Standard 4 my time! Amazing how school has evolved, I worry for my Niki already, if I don't enrol her in pre-school/kumon/helen o'grady's/smart reader etc, am I guilty of deliberately let her lag behind her peers and if I enrol her it means that I am conforming to society, and there's no ending just there, then there'll be music/dance/art etc as well. It's difficult being a mom in this day and age!
Well I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Chances are I'll cave in to the current education demands.
In the meantime I shall just daydream about the fun times as a primary school girl in SNC!

1 comment:

Ewok said...

Hi, just read your last year post about SNC. That's my school too, though I think you're younger by one year. Check out facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5547543635