Hope your weekend was happy.
It rained and it poured and it was sunshiney.
It couldn't make up it's mind. but still, it was beautiful and green and good. i saw my favorites. i ate my favorites. i snuggled my favorites. i learned a lot.
There were late night marathons (of Bones!), laughter with family.
Father's Day dinner with the rest of the daddies in the Narayanan clan. Niki bouncing onto Vicky and wishing him Happy Father's Day much to the delight of Daddy.
Spent the day just relaxing. both father & daughter happy as clams.
But first, let me back up. Sunday night during the Father's Day dinner, i learned something worth writing down. i learned that serving others is a good way to love others. We caught up and drank wine. Talked some more, laughed and drank more wine.
Once again, i learned more than ever to appreciate what i have. to appreciate who i have. to love deeper. to live bigger. and to not feel sorry for myself but to look around and see what i can do, see how i can help, see how i can make a difference, see what ways i can make a change for good.
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