Just got back from a truly gastronomic experience while in Phuket, I really couldn't fathom how much food can be consumed by a group of four..but that's what we did ..
Found this gem of a place called Ab-Zab, under the Sweet Home Hotel; which served one of the most delicious Thai food ever, to prove it we ate there three days in a row!
The whole trip was utterly wonderful, as we cramped a lot of eating and shopping into our four days and four nights! Phuket's got this new mall called JungCeylon which is a must visit! *giggle* and it was Mid Year Sales and Robinson's was having sales! Oh the joy!! :)
Photos will be uploaded once I find the darn cable!
Till the next post, I'll be dreaming about Glass Noodles in Tom Yum Goong!
I know, I know, I'm a glutton.. feeling hungry now ... eeerrrkkk!
** Photos above from my phone, have yet to find my camera cable ... aiyo!
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