Niki's closet has more clothes than mine partly because everytime we go out we always never miss the opportunity to buy her something, ok before everyone go pointing at me I would like to clarify that the one guilty of this is none other than her daddy. I do get her stuffs but usually out of necessity. Whereas Daddy will go like, "Honey this top is so cute and I love the kitten sleeves and v-neck and it's such a pretty shade of pink donchathink?" And before I can say anything else in retort, Daddy's already ringing it up at the cash register.
Moreover, nowadays the little miss no longer asks her mommy's help in dressing her up, it's now more like "Mommy, I want to wear this top with the cords and I'm wearing my orange sandals coz it goes with my top!" .. "and yeah, I wanna leave my hair down today..
And she picks out her own accessories now too, yesterday she got herself a fuchsia hairclip .. I was abit apprehensive to get it for her coz firstly it was fuchsia and secondly it was round ..but when she came home and asked me to clip it on, it actually looks cute .. letting out a sigh of relief .. I thought to myself .. ok la at least she's got her taste down.
And when we told that we're talking amama and tata shopping it was Niki who got really excited and let out a "woop" yes she actually let out a "woopie" no kidding. And now Daddy feels very afraid, just thinking about the pain that his little girl is gonna inflict to his wallet when she's a pre-teen, or maybe even before that!
On a more serious note, Niki is really a sweet child .. and she's never one to throw a tantrum if we didn't get her something she wanted from the shop.. and she actually understands .. sometimes we think that she's a old soul and much wiser beyond her four years .. because when Mommy's feeling sad all I have to do is look into her eyes and I can feel that she understands, and when she gives me a hug it's a really nice warm one .. and she'll always asks if I'm ok and then she will actually comfort me & try her best to soothe me .. and that folks is my little girl.
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