I hate to admit it but I absolutely think that the Jonas Brothers are the best thing since eeerrr .. Westlife. I have a thing for teeny-bopper/boyband-ish songs because it's always so happy-clappy..mostly because it makes you feel all sunshine-y when you listen to it and doesn't hurt when its easy on the ears too, eh? .. All saccharinely sweet and nice..and let me get the record straight that it ain't because because I fancy young boys .... a BIG nnnooooo ok .. I had a thing for S Club-7 too a long way back :)
I would like to think that at the ripe old age of 33 my taste in music would have improved with age or at least moved on to something slightly more .. errr .. elegant but nope my taste has stuck in a perpetual pre-pubescent age! I would love to say that I love opera and think the world of Boccelli but no .. it's much more down to earth and less complicated... but what the heck ..to each their own .. And did I ever tell you that Vicky used to like Blue ... hehehehe! And this comes from a supposed uber-cool ex-DJ, and he can lip sync every song to perfection let me tell ya!
Anyways here's a vid dedicated to other closet Jonas Brothers fan .. enjoy!
Music Video:WHEN YOU LOOK ME IN THE EYES (by Jonas Brothers)
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