sunshine & blooms in piccolo mondo
Sunday was Mommy & Daddy only day; and we spent it doing the tourist-y thing. We went to Sg Wang Plaza bright & early and had brunch alfresco in Piccolo Mondo. It was pretty sunny out but it didn’t bother us since we were on tourist mode yesterday. Had a nice slow meal accompanied by a lot of laughing, giggling & sharing and it was therapeutic! After which we walked about the complex and picked up a new Nike air for Niki from the Nike shop (hey, it rhymes!)
Walked into a few lap sap boutiques, which I kind of fancy but am not cut out to wear .. it’s much too hip for me! The colours, the clothes, the patent shoes and of course how can we forget the leggings, everyone in Sg Wang was practically wearing the same thing .. which well dilutes the whole fashion is supposed to be original kinda thing doesn’t it .. but still it would be cute to wear right .. fashion is of course also supposed to be fun .. :-)
Went to Aily, coz well I really wanted to buy a pair to die for stilettos .. alas there weren’t any size 37 .. and ended up buying birkenstock sandals for Niki instead..gotta love 'em coz it's cute & comfy
Got out of Sg Wang about 2ish and headed to Chee Cheong Kai (Petaling St, lar) and did the whole touristy thing again, we of course due to the sweltering heat went for the famous Petaling St “air mata kucing” and it was oh so good! Meandered around somemore for an hour or so, just soaking in the environment, the bustling crowd, the wares that were on sale .. and you gotta really appreciate the whole scene .. of course I’ll be the first to admit that the scene was very much different just a few years ago than today .. and I very much preferred the yesteryears, yes
And there were quite a few DBKL officers around too, guarding or policing against what I really don't know, coz if they are after the "real deal" dvd sellers, then those officers must suffer some vision problem coz whilst I saw at least 5 vendors apparently they didn't see any, what can I say but golly!
I was also hoping to eat a bowl of the famous asam laksa of Petaling St; but according to a vendor there .. they're closed on Sunday ..really sad :-( .. and left soon after buying bak changs for dinner ..hey a girl have gotta eat, ok .. nevermind.. I can always get a bowl of laksa tomorrow ..
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