I have just discovered that Dr Seuss is excellent.
I didn't know this (I know a lot of you are like going, shock! horror! what?? she doesn't know Dr Seuss??) until we watched Horton Hears a Who last weekend. Niki absolutely adored the toon-movie and even watched it twice. I thought it would be a task sitting through the movie again but surprisingly it was really not; and I even managed to catch a few parts which I missed previously.
I mean when I was a kid I had a staple of Enid Blyton, CS Lewis, EB White, Roald Dahl but for the life of me I've never read Dr Seuss, I'm just wondering how on earth did I missed reading the creations of this great writer.
His imagination and stories .. are nothing short of amazing ..so beautifully written, sensitive and wonderfully rhymed (that's my favourite aspect!). I can't even imagine how he comes up with these treasures..I love rhymes .. especially the ecclectic ones that only Dr Seuss knows how ..
And so my next project is to get a Dr Seuss book perhaps The Cat In The Hat (why not from the very beginning, eh?) and read it together with Niki. Better still watch Horton or go to the Seussville website and you'll get what I mean! And remember ..
"A person's a person, no matter how small!" .. Horton
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