It's been quite sometime since I gave an update on that sweet child o'mine. Niki's great, she's really mischevious these days and basically can talk quite a bit from the time she gets out of bed till we tuck her in .. she's can go on & on with her stories and along the way she makes up cute jingles as well. And right now her fave ad is the Digi one with the yellow man army. She does the Hercules pose at the end really well :-)
And Niki has made great progress in school, she can now completely recite her ABCs, write them via trace of course, she can understand & count right up to 10 right now, write them as well & and is gonna start on Peter&Jane reading exercises soon. She loves her block puzzles and I bought her alphabets fridge magnets so that she can play with them whenever she's in the kitchen with me. I have to give recognition to her teachers in school especially Teacher Fam, Teacher Alice and her doting class teacher, Teacher Shariah.
I actually can't wait till she can read with me but till then I'll continue to read to her, which sometimes pretty much scare me coz she'll have me read the same story at least 5 times within the same seating. I know I've had it pretty good and shouldn't be complaining since she enjoys story time so much.
In terms of size .. well she is still petite! Must be her genes (from her Dad) I guess., coz for sure I'm not considered a "petite" like ever!
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