recently due to necessity i've become more IT savvy, which is pretty odd since i actually have my own IT company. i've since got myself facebook and skype, the former for meeting up & finding my old friends from school & connecting with my other buddies that i've met along the way during life's journey ... and the latter, skype because a high school friend of mine joycelyn asked me to get it and not be such a dinosaur, it's like msn and you can message & everything, ya ya i know call me "jackoon" it's ok ... coz i know i am one... anyways these days i'm kept pretty busy coz now i need to update both my blog and my facebook, but it's been fun coz for someone who's guilty of not keeping in touch with my friends often enough.. it is an ingenius way of touching base with them... so way to go zuckerberg!
on a non related issue altogether,i just read somewhere that tom cruise does not have an e-mail or a cell phone .. well, i won't too if i have a whole platoon of people working under me & running after my every beck & call, would i?
and so back to the subject .. i have since got re-acquainted with a lot of ex-convent girls from AS, well once a convent girl, you're a convent girl for life; and it has been fun, it's wonderful to note how much we've all grown and evolved in our own personal lives. and it's pretty much been a good thing for me .. and no more teenage angst or complexities to worry about now ( i have quite a few!).. we just ravel in & accept who we are and how we have grown up in our own ways .. and yes those memories both happy and maybe some not so, are still memories, and it is by going thru life's tribulations that we become who we are today.
sometime back an acquaintance once asked me whether there's anything in my life that i would change or do differently, and i told him no i wouldn't want to change anything at all coz if i did i would not have been who i was and who i am now .. i live life with no regrets for yesterdays but full of hope for tomorrow .. pretty sappy i know .. but perhaps this is what comes with age .. whoever said aging was not a good thing .. must be quite young i bet!
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