1st November 2004, Nikita entered our life, and that event altered the course of our lives forever, we feel a wee bit sentimental today as she turns six, our baby no longer much of one is turning into a gorgeous young lady and becoming more and more of her own person every passing day.
One day, she may not need us as much as we need her, but that's part of growing up, but I shall cherish what she said to us yesterday that no matter what we will always be her mummy & her daddy. And that is what I will hold on to as I see her grow.
We've got a little surprise party planned for her (Niki doesn't know, we told her no party today coz she's a big girl already, heehee, maybe it will incur some emotional trauma but it's ok, I think she can take a little bit of it until 7pm tonight!)
And yeah we said no cake too, but there's an Aurora Strawberry Vanilla cake in the fridge waiting for her just the way she wanted it, we her parents are master of poker faces, muaahahahaha... :)
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