Writing exercises
And so school is out, and I am porting my daughter to office with me, the working mum dilemma so to speak,.
Anyways that's got nothing to do with my post for today, as to pick up where I left off about sending Niki to a private school instead of public school, and so as most of you know she's now heading to a private school come January 2011 for her Primary 1. But one of the criteria her dad and I have is that Mandarin must be a compulsory subject, since she's progressing very well in her chinese medium kindy right now.
It's a "I told you so" and "I should have know better then" situation but it's never too late, I had the opportunity to take up Mandarin during my primary school days but I wasn't serious and instead loads of time I just scrapped through the exam. I didn't care and look where it has gotten me now, I'm a "banana" and it's not something I'm proud of. And so, I feel it's important that Niki takes her Mandarin language classes seriously and I'm proud to say the she's much better a student than I, must have taken after her father in terms of seeing things through, which I thank God for every day!
To us, Mandarin is not only an additional universal language but it teaches the young ones about discipline, consistency, accuracy and diligence, all these are good qualities to be instilled, and even is the usual gripe is "wah, so much homework" ... and this sentence is usually uttered to herself in her thoughts by your truly, never my little one.
Even now for homework she's got another 4 pages to write, and ten words to learn for her spelling, she takes it all in stride. That's why even when she's in Primary 1 we want her to continue with her Mandarin studies.
To us, it's To Chinese, and never Too Chinese.
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