Whinning to Vicky that I want to watch Eclipse in the cinema instead of waiting for the DVD to come out. After much cajolling and some arm twisting Vicky at last agreed to make it a family outing & watch Eclipse together with Niki and I. Of course, we bought the Lurve seats, I mean c'mon it seats all three of us most comfortably :)
And I must say Eclipse is so GOOD, good for Jacob fans coz Taylor Lautner was just clad in a pair of cut-offs nearly 3/4 of the movie, there was very little else and heck alot of abs to be seen! Young adolescent girls will indeed be driven into a frenzy by the smouldering looks he casts at Bella. Niki at her age, just finds it nauseating ;-) And yeah, Jasper don't look all constipated anymore coz he more lines in this movie.
But some things never change for example, longing looks between Edward & Bella still is going strong. A lot of luuurrrrvvveee there :)
Conclusion: The movie was good but nothing beats the paperback!
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