Earth Hour was yesterdy in Malaysia, 8TV has been heavily promoting this event and the climax was yesterday where Malaysians were urged to turn off energy from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. My feelings were mixed on this, part of me wanted to and part of me was thinking what's the point. The part that wanted to won out and we switched off for an hour yesterday, the reason? because rather than not do anything at least we can try doing something. We came home early from dinner and lo and behold my 75 year old neighbour, was sitting outside with a candle and she went as far as even switching off her fridge..so with renewed faith in the human race we did the same..
I know that Malaysia can't just turn off everything, but I was hoping that the government supported this effort more, even though 8tv stopped transmission for an hour, other channels didn't, since 8tv was part tv3 as it is with ntv7, these two channels were business as usual.
And how about hybrid cars in Malaysia, which is near impossible to get, our government is on the "we should do mode", but more accurately, I think it's more of "we should do but maybe not lah, it's not possible mode" .. so we're 50/50, and that's not good enough. So know this, even if you know whatever you're doing is a small step in reducing your carbon footprint go ahead, do that little than not at all. Let's stop being a cynic .. so reuse, reduce and recycle. Not only on the designated day, but make every day an Earth Day at home or at work, do your bit for the environment ..fuel awareness on climate change and prove that when the people of the world work together, you can make a difference in the fight against global warming. Save the Earth now before it's too late!