In Hinduism coming of age generally signifies that a boy or girl is mature enough to understand his responsibility towards family and society. Women often celebrate their coming to age by having a ceremony. This ceremony includes dressing them with sari, and announcing their maturity to the community.
They would perform a lavish occasion called Manjal Neerattu Vizha, to celebrate their daughter attaining adulthood. They invite their relatives and surroundings for the proceedings and formally announce it. The purpose of the ceremony is to provide awareness to the daughter about the changes that will proceed, and also to make them clear about Do's and Don't s, they should follow. The girls will be made to wear the traditional dress saree, and they are showered with turmeric water, during the ocacasion.
Yesterday, we attended such a ceremony at The Tamarind condo in Sentul West, the ceremony itself was simple and meaningful, and the girl's loved ones were all there to mark this day. We presented her with our gift and fed her a sweet to mark this transition from adolescence to adulthood.
And true to the Malaysian culture next it was the makan-makan, the host spared no expense on the food and the feast that was spread out for the guests were truly a gastronomical affair. There was briyani chicken with an amazing array of crab, dhalca, sweet and sour fish,mutton perithal, black pepper lamb, mixed veggies, egg sambal, chicken sambal and I may have left out some.
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