We trawled a local bazaar yesterday.
Sunday mid morning was spend at the Amcorp Mall.
OMG, we found so many fascinating bric-a-bracs & knickknacks, everything was so absolutely nice to look and be held. And the musty smell that accompanied most of the items I held was priceless. It is a bazaar afterall and there were lots and lots of antique type items on sale, everything from all gramaphones to records from the P Ramlee and Sarimah era and of course the evergreen Beatles and Nat King Cole. The sweet croons hanging in the air as we go from one table to another. Eveything looked so colourfully interesting. It's pretty much more interesting than the one at the Curve really.
Well not everyhthing there was quaint, there's alot of new stuffs too like plush throw pillows, pashminas and handbags and colourful beaded slippers galore (I was in heaven with this one!!) .. and then there was the cupcake table, at two ringgit a pop it was well worth every cent spent .. I got half a dozen and chomped on them while we meandered around. Vicky found some real nice stuffs too, it's illegal to mention here so I'm not gonna .. boys and their toys (go figure!) .. There was an Ocean's 12 movie poster on sale too but it was about Eighty not eighteen ringgit, we figured it's abit too much to spend on a poster even if it was a two sided one, moreover if we framed it being two sided wouldn't matter would it?
We became really hungry by about two and discovered a gem of a thai restaurant call Rak Thai there, it was pretty authentic in terms of the decor and stuffs but the food there was heavenly, really Thai-like .. it was so interesting that Vicky even requested the shop girl to replay Sabai-sabai. After lunch it was back to the bazaar, grabbed some cute knick knacks and an baroque antique bedside lamp before heading home happy :-)
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