An old friend dropped me a message in my fb which reminded me about how fast time has passed yet again.
What I was doing 10 years ago:
It was 1998, I was all of twenty three and in the middle of my time in Stamford College taking my CIM; life was simple, but I didn't realize it then. i had a bunch of girlfriends, all of whom I am no longer in contact with Ramona, Nivashini and Yasmin; which is a crying shame actually, but I guess we just grew apart and the differences and circumstances that cropped up later are keeping us from each other.
I also worked part-time in The Body Shop for some extra cash; made a couple of friends there Ika, Chocka and Fida, regardless of the ridiculously low salary, it was a measly RM4 an hour but I loved working there, coz of its simple pleasures I get to play with the makeup palette and be creative, I got to try on different perfume oils everyday so I smelt different every day of the month, I got freebies like showergels and shampoos and other toiletries that I wouldn't be able to afford on my pay if I weren't working there. My job was rather routine but I loved meeting with customers who talked passionately about TBS products as did I. I loved everything about BS products, and how politically correct it was. The motto was Reuse, Reduce & Recycle which stands until today.
After work, I went home and watched tv for hours on end and then have my dinner and prepared for another day at school the next day, I revised and read my text books, get bored and do something else. I wore Doc Martens and my Nicole overalls and my choice of bags were from United Colors Of Benetton, I practically lived in my trusty Levi's that I bought together with Ramona at the Levi's Store in Lot 10. I listened to Babyface, Bon Jovi & Mr Big and checked my emails at the local cybercafe everyday. I was madly jealous of a pair of twins in school because I thought that they had everything, from good looks to being the popular crowd. But I was happy, I was happy with my group of friends, we spent time in the library and ate at Stamford's cafetaria which serves the best toast and economy beehoon. The cafetaria was in the middle of the complex and had a sunroof and the sunrays gently danced on our hair as we sat eating and drinking iced tea.
Ramona and I spent so much time in Uncle Chilli's that the waiters knew us by name and gave us free food & drinks off and on, of course most of the time we paid for our food but whenever there's a freebie it sure made our day .. and the freebie will usually be something really huge and YUMMY, compliments of the junior cooks in the western kitchen :)
I learnt that everything happens for a reason. And no matter how hard life seems to get, but when the going gets tough; the tough gets going. And yes, that was also the same year I went steady with my husband to be. Ten years ago indeed feels just like yesterday.