on the darwin route .. orang utans and us!

us and the kids .. niki and our god-daughter darsha .. and the grandparents & aunty barbara
at the multi animal show .. and yeah "splash"

juxaposition of slow mo versus speed

Many, many years ago I visited our National Zoo, and the experience short of a better word was not exactly a pleasant one to remember..and so you can again imagine my apprehension on having another visit last Sunday..but still for the sake of my three year old I gritted my teeth and went along with the plans. The whole fam was there, so yes there was pandemonium. Imagine eight kids age ranging from 11 to 2, I believe the animals were pretty frightened as well.
Niki went but we took her stroller sand boy were we glad we did! Little Miss Anti-Sunshine was like .. " oh mommy it's so hot! I don't wanna walk in the sun .. have you gotten my cream (sunblock) on already".. but she did enjoy looking at the animals and yup we pretty much enjoyed the gift shop there as well ..
We managed to pick up a cute furry monkey for Niki, one she has now named Bobo and a colourful fan .. daddy got a black suede cowboy looking hat .. mommy got herself a Coke at 10 in the morning and gulped it down in 2 minutes flat ..
We went for the multi animal show at 11am .. it was not as entertaining as the one we caught in A'Famosa though but the kids had fun .. and I mistook a 120kg seal from the Netherlands for a bird ??!!??.. yup I was never good with all things under the animal category ..
But all in all it was pretty much fun and the picnic lunch we tucked in .. was just so, so good .. must be all the walking we did .. coz we never realized the water would taste so fulfilling, there's a picnic spot that the zoo had constructed and it was complete with picnic tables and benches and there was a lot of space in between for the kids to run around in without being out of sight, a huge rubbish bin and even the lavatory nearby.. so it was all good .. The last time I was there I had lunch in KFC which has now been abandoned .. and it's such a waste too coz the view from the old restaurant is beautiful, overlooking the lake with lush greeneries surrounding the place
Vicky, Niki and I left slightly early coz we were all pretty much zoo-ed out since we arrived there earlier than the rest of the fam, we reached at about 9.30am as agreed .. (tut! tut! the rest of them were late coz the tv stations were making announcements of the election through the night!) .. but yet we were early .. much the surprise of well .. everyone we guess ..
What I learnt apart from the sights of the many animal behinds that my eyes feasted on was ..never knock new experiences or experiences revisited until you've tried it .. keep an open mind and one might surprise one self .. however with the zoo thing my advice is keep an open mind but if possible a closed nose .. coz the zoo smelt really funky, real natural if you get the drift .. phew wee!
And to all the visual people who reads this post .. here's tons and tons of photos of animals to go with this post of mine!
..ps.. I wore my hollister tee that says "what tan lines?" & my navy blue gekko flipflops .. and got lots of tan lines from 4 hours under the sun ..
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