in bed with niki & her blankie

our villa's front porch, surrounded by the lush green jungle

our villa
around the resort, breathtaking views everywhere

chapman's bar at emerald bay

arriving at PLR
Here's our holiday album of our time in Pangkor Laut Resort.
I can't even start to tell you how beautiful the resort and the island was, it's hard to believe that it's nearly 10 years old coz it is in superb condition and the people there.. are fabulous and made us feel really warmly welcomed at this island paradise, the picture doesn't actually do PLR much justice, and let's just say we were so heavy hearted to leave this morning.. PLR is a spectacular getaway, and it's so romantic ..yes, even with Niki with us, it still can be romantic, we just need to improvise ;-) ..
Did I mention earlier that our villa was just next to the pavarotti suite? To think that the famous late tenor stayed just right next to us in another place and time..
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