We bummed around last weekend not doing anything much at all.
Why? Because there's no need to have your weekend clogged with activities that's why.
Anyways finally, we took Niki to Summit to go watch Ratatouille .. she's been asking for so long but before that Vicky had to go put out a fire (literally!!) a few doors from ours coz the grass and bushes caught fire. No one's living there and to top it off its was really hot and dry on Sat, so I guess it caught fire, pretty scary coz heavy smoke was billowing all over the place, and Vicky went to put out the fire with a neighbour's reaaalllly long hose whilst I called the Fire Dept. Thank God they came just in time and hosed everything down.
Then all of us scamperred as fast as we can out the door and were on our way to Summit for the 2.30pm show. But before that we went and tried Hartz Chicken Buffet and lots of stuffs in the buffet line happened to be chicken! We were all famished especially Vicky the Fireman. And being the hot blooded man that he is, he wants chicken! And lo and behold Hartz Chicken just happened to just opened their doors there. They're not really cheap coz, for us adults it was like RM18.90 per pax and for the chipmunk it's RM5.25 (kids below 3ft eat for RM5.25) and they've got a wall measurement tape there just in case. Well, I measured the girl and she's now all of 2' 7"!! Small in stature perhaps but big on utter adorability, that one! So we (ahem!) maybe I only lar stuffed our faces with the glorious amount of food available .. they got me at the fizzy fountain actually.. I love fizzy fountains, sue me I'm easily contented. While Vicky and Niki tucked in the variety of chicken they had there, grilled chicken, fried chicken, casserole chicken, and etc. Bet we'll be seeing chicken for a couple of days lar.
Then we window shopped and walked abit aimlessly so that the lunch we had could digest abit before heading upstairs to GSC for the show. Coz it was puasa time, there was no lines at all..which is such a huge relief!
Here's some pix that says it all!
Sunday was movie marathon say watch The Invisible (which was not bad for a teeny bopper slash rebellious anger kind) and Whisper (ala The Omen but with the slightly dishevelled but still dishy Josh Holloway). Had dinner at home coz Niki's daddy whipped up his special Mushroom Alfredo sauce with Penne pasta, which was beyond yum!
So that was the weekend that was, which was us bumming! ... and it was good.. :-)
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