Monday, June 25, 2007

Blog addict

It's Monday and I am currently blogging from my new office, wonderful to be settled and online again, missed me? Well alot has been going on these past few days..moreover just last Friday was my last day in my ex-office.
Lunch and gifts were dispensed, I shall truly miss those whom that I have come to care dearly for, whereas others not so much.
I am embarking in a total career change, gonna revamp everything, time for change. A lot like my pal Cristal whom from the hospitality industry jumped headlong into the IT world -- truly only she can relate to what I am going through right now. It's all good and I feel good today, afterall it's my first day!! More to tell, on another day till then, yes I have settled in..those who'd like to chat gimme a call lar on my hp! You know the number!
And here's wishing Mohan, Barbara and the kids a wonderful move as they join the KK community. Eh guys, so dinner when?

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