Friday, February 16, 2007

The Rooster Year comes to a close

And so as we Chinese prepare to celebrate the Lunar New Year, we will close the curtain for the year of the Rooster. As we usher in another new year I can't help but think of the good things that we were blessed with this year, as we hope that the year of the Golden Oink will bring bigger and better things.
I await with abated breath as the New Year sweeps in a flurry of festivities fuelled with non-stop eating, ang pow giving and good cheer all round. Again, we'll be performing the exodus together with the rest of the immigrants who came to KL in search of a better life, back to our "heong ha" or kampung/hometown where we came from. So I'm sure the roads will be clogged tomorrow, but like I always say, road trip is always fun!

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