That's where I was Saturday, which is a total waste of a good Saturday evening, I wished I could have spent it with Vicky & Niki instead, I had to attend this gala dinner thingy at the PWTC. GOH was Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy which is the minister of transportation, he sure what headline grabbing coz earlier he was in the papers telling Airasia and MAS to buck up! The dinner was supposed to be a corporatey thing but the night's entertainment was more of a cabaret show! Which was totally unsuitable for the occassion.
By the time it finished it was nearly midnight and by the time I got home my baby was already sleeping soundly. I always tucked her in at night and I felt really rotten coz I didn't get to do it last Saturday. Mommy missed you so much! And Mommy & Daddy made up for it the next day!
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