Hah! Saw Superman Returns yesterday, I must say I'm a tad disappointed maybe that's because I expected a bit too much, the original Superman quadlogy is still the best or maybe I'm a sentimental person and can't bear to have another person fill the boots the late Christopher Reeve left behind.
The movie was ok, just ok. It started off great with John William's Superman theme blazing across the screen everytime the music comes on I feel a certain aweness, it was Superman for pete's sake. I wished that Brandon Routh would have kicked more ass though, that was lacking a bit but Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor and Parkey Posey as Kitty Kowslowski was classic I loved them they basicly stole the show everytime they were on screen! It was hilarious and their comic timing were perfect!
Dinner before the movie was great tho', Vicky & I went to the Sports Cafe and had a whole lot of food, the beef nachos were delish! So was my Sausage Cancarne, yum! So food & company was the highlight of my evening but it was overall a wonderful evening! Love you Honey! xxooxx
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